Package Dimensions : 12.6 x 7.7 x 6.4 cm; 103 g Target Age Range Description : Adult
Veggi PowerPlus is a green juice. We blend 20 kinds of succulent plants such as green grass grown in beautiful earth, mineral-rich seaweed, and powerfully grown cactus. In addition, it increases lactic acid bacteria and is recommended for those who are
running out of vegetables, or those who are busy with parenting or work.
, pineapple powder, ginger, kelp (seaweed extract), dalus (seaweed extract), aloe vera, lactic acid bacteria (lactobacelli, gacetus gacelli gacelli gacelli baceli (baceli) Bifidobacteria Lium Longm, Bifidobacterium Bifidam), Yucka, / Sweetener (Stevia)
Energy: 7.3 kcal, Protein: 0.49 g, Fat: 0.12 g, Carbohydrates: 1.33 g (Sugars: 0.20 g), Salt Equivalent: 0.0.014 g. Fiber Contents: 0.54 grams, total chlorophil: 7.04 mg
Usage Mix and drink 200-250 cc of water per packet, or mix with smoothies or yogurt